My brothers and sisters of the faith in The most high whos proper name is Allah(SWA), as He is the lord of all worlds
and everything in existance through the natural ability life shows me, And those of the Faith In Good Sound and Sight,
I have been working on alot more than usual, and have been updating the self wisdom styles of my craft.
I have posted a link of where you can get the latest. As far as graffiti work and music is cocerned, I am working on
a BMK crew website. And it will be available in the year 09 hopefully. But (born Universal Teachings) i am doing and am still
active in everything I am involved with. It is a new year world. Lets make a difference, and fight the stereo type hype, and
continue to make good things and bring the good people and heros back out of us and our loved ones, and crew members/ warriors.
We need to stop the commercial airplay the pop charts are trying to brainwash the youth with by continuing to accept
the fact that pop charts, reality shows and other hollywood based productions and labels are not a part of yours or my reality...
as poor people of the civilization, we need to use what we make and make quality sounds and generate our self worth And bring
the youth quality of sounds, and sights under your own portfolio and network with the community and generafte a positive mental
frequency that way, if so.
Thank you so much for the support my comrades. I appreciate you all, including those who hate me, and throw jealous darts
at me or towards my direction. I got love for you all.
Lets pray for all who struggle in this society, where the rich exploit the poor and righteous artist in order to
gain more riches. and the fake exploit and mingle with the real in order to claim what they know not. where the babies grow
up with single parents in the house hold, and seek positive male role models outside the home, due to the absence of men who
are either ded, locked up, or just not man enough to accept responsibilty for their own woman and child. Let us pray that
better generations develope through the influence of good music and visuals...
Its time to put a hault to the over exposed perception and thoughts the media published eyes want you all to think
about in terms of what is real and what is fake...
Whats real is Family, community, school, wise elders and right royalty and grace in everything true kings and queens
who shall inherit the best part of the planet Earth should each one and teach ones own self. Whats real is the Unseen Labor
force and the Loyal Few. The 5% of the population of the so-called planet Earth.
Ladies, get at me, model some real hip-hop gear for me, and sing on my music for me. Yall are the best part of the planet.
For all those who passed to the next realm into the essence. .., May the most high guide you well in the next life.
We will meet again in another time eon and age..
Brothers and Sisters, Please learn to respect each other.
Mothers and Fathers, Teach The Babies.
Sonar, Diego 127 and Smend, Thanks.
Alhan, Be good in everything you do.
Moms, I love you, and will be the best I can. (I speak for everyone) - I am not the best, and wish to and shall strive
to make it and give the best to you my dear mother. My Old Earth.
To the Nation of Gods and Earths, I thank you all for building with a sun and adding on to my plus knowledge.
To the Universal Zulu Nation, I am still doing my duty akhis and malikas.
To my comrades across the continent, thank u all for the support.
Proper Education adds consistent Elevation-Peace be onto you all.