The 7th infantry Born Division

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Beyond Man Kind
Murals and Designs

Optick One- Jamaica Queens, N.Y.

Who I Am, And What I Do.


Peace and Greetings to all who enter this page in seek of culture and wisdom of the ancients through my path and Avenue in life's structure.

Iam now a 31 year old street cadet out of Jamaica N.Y. Located in the borough of Queens.

I have been trained in the Arts and crafts of the Hip-Hop culture and sciences since 1990. I was given the name Optick One through my elders and generals in the graffiti Art culture, which at that time was at the end of its golden era. 

I was passed on the torch by the best of the best, in order to elevate and help up-lift all of humanity in the ghettos through out the world and my universe, as the same applies for my self once all the work that I have strived for, as long as I have finally starts paying off.


     Ever since, as a young man, having been passed on the scrolls of life that openned my 3rd eye, in which I still carry on and shine on with this day (All praises due to the up most). I live this life as a Graffiti Swords Smith, Graff  Bhudda Monk from out the Deserts of NYC with knowledge of whi I AM and Why I Be Who I Be. Through the stages of darkness I came to the light with skills, style and finesse. In which is still being over looked by society, due to the instant and temporary ideas being put in the heads of the most by quantity instead of quality. There for I keep My Self in the Underground where everything I produce is grass roots and movement in itself as a living piece I created through the sight and sound of natural mathematics, soul and style. My craft that has not been understood by the general public, continues to thrive over the commercialized look alikes, there for I cant put a price on my work. I do it for free. Why? Because each word, phraze or Name I draw is meant for that specific person. And it is a priceless piece of work. But now in these ages of accessability to info and technology, the mass would love to be sold, bought and sponsored by a company and handled like an object..

People will imitate trend in a heart beat and mass produce watered down fonts, images and conversation plus life style in a heart beat. (I pray people wake up and dance to the beat of the drums instead of standing around looking what ever they want to be in the "Street Life" they living...)

Remember this Brothers and sisters of the Human Family,

We made music to dance to, we threw house jams for people in the community to jam to...

Now where are we???

I will tell you all what I cee so far and build on the destruction of the notions and ideas most gassed headed yuppies try and bring into our culture, with the intent on marketting and selling us, the children of the ghetto for our style, just so they can make a quick buck off you or whom ever you know...

Sorry folks, but I just cant let them do that to me.


For some strange and unknown reason, the mass population just wants to stay deaf and blind to the real reminders that ones should have in order to keep every things at peace. And it seems that the Corperate World Organizations of food clothing and shelter experimentation, profit the most out of hip-hop culture. For everything is equal and self in its own individual term and way. But as a scene of its own? NO! There for I will have the opportunity to share with the world on what jewels I have to give, in regards of what is good for me may as well be good for you all too. So in respects to all and all are in regards of doing so.( Let Us Give Thanks).


  Through the turmoil, I still grow and elevate further than the ones who believe, yet stray away from the original duties of my kind. And that original duty is; Self Preservation, the original path that has been paved and laid out brick by brick, and stone by stone through the strong foundations which have been built for us- and the youth. We just have to realize it as us being a component that connenvts to all parts which helps circulate  feul to the engine, which is us. 

          For many years now, until the nation gets together for the end in order to reach new beginnings, The media has been playing a strong role in every so-called Red Blooded American. And the Only role that is being played by the Wanna-be Patriotic Citizens of this country and so-called super power, through her emotions, is fear. Fear of what?.........

 Fear of the poor and righteous actually rising as a nation and to become "what" they can never have....

Control over our own people. The wordv"What" is the fear that is spoken of. And what will happen to the government if it looses its mind control over all of humanity?


Through that question lies the dreams and hopes for all of mankind. The future is truly ours only if we let it be and exist in positivity. And through right and peace perception is how it shall be gained, viewed and known as good.. 

We as a nation need to set examples and help free the minds and stereo types of all so-called others through sights and sounds. Other than the way that they; the media and tell-a lie vision and radios do to us and the next generations to come.

    This was the original message in the Hip-Hop culture, and there is a science to every one and every thing.

Optick One.©


A lil break down of what I cee My culture to be...

What is the difference between Hip-Hop Culture and Rap?

“Hip-Hop was and still today is a culture of the poor and oppressed. And Rap is the industries way to package and sell that expression”- As told to me by the Great Elder Pee-Wee Dance-Universal Zulu Nation. But isn’t Rap music? Yes, Rap is also the musical element in the Hip-Hop Culture, apart from DJing, BBoying, Graffiti Art and Emceeing, being the 4 foundational crafts in Hip-Hop. But there are not only 4 elements in the Hip-Hop Culture. There are actually 9 all together. And continuing on to the 5th through the 9th, would  be beat boxing, + verbal communication/ divine speech/ slang/ code words, + style of clothing, + knowledge of the elders/ common sense, + manifesting as an entrepreneur/ hustle your craft and get paid / making a living off of the craft one has mastered. And through all, comes "STYLE".


What kind of music does Hip-Hop deal with? Rap?

No. Hip-Hop deals with all music. Especially in a diverse city such as New York City. There are many influences with in the music. And especially now in days, being that everything is produced electronically. And just to show and prove that, we must cee or understand the BBoy element. Such as dancing to music. So in conclusion, I cee all forms of music as influence.


Guidance, and respects due to all who came this far.

Add on suns and daughters.

Brothers and Sisters from another mothers and misters...



Hip-Hop Culture. What is it?
And where did it originate from?
Real simple, click on this link below.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Main Entry: hip-hop
Pronunciation: 'hip-"häp
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: perhaps from 4hip + 1hop
: a subculture especially of inner-city youths whose amusements include rap music, graffiti, and break dancing; also : an element or art form prevalent within this subculture


Techno Music. What is it?

And where did it originate from?
Real simple.....
Click on this link, and it will break down what you need to know.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Main Entry: tech·no
Pronunciation: 'tek-nO
Function: noun
Etymology: techno- (as in techno-pop or techno-rock, styles of popular music utilizing electronically created sounds)
: electronic dance music that features a fast beat and synthesized sounds usually without vocals or a conventional popular song structure

Through out all the years of the beautiful struggles, I still seem to find more avenues and boulevards that connect. All roads lead to the same place. And once you get there, you will cee where you are and what you had to go through to get there, hope yall arrived safe and stronger.-Optick One

Thank You All for your comments, and I will continue the good work for my good people.
1 Love World!!!
Accept no imitations.